Monday, February 14, 2011

Response Paper 3 Assignment

Response Paper: Due Wednesday, 2/16
This semester, you are required to write several response papers. These papers are less formal than one of your major essays, yet they should still be thoughtfully articulated and carefully written. I will usually give you a specific prompt or choice of prompts on which to base your writing, and your papers will always be in response to a specific text or idea.

Response papers should be ¾ to one page, typed, single spaced, in 12-point font, with standard one-inch margins. Include a creative title for your response. Be sure to argue a specific thesis/make a specific point—don’t just paraphrase or summarize a given text. You should quote at least once from the assigned reading in your response.

Response Paper 3, due in class on Wednesday, February 16

Read “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson (in Literature for Composition pp. 1213-1219). Analyze a specific element of the story and discuss its meaning in the work as a whole. You can use the questions following the story to help you generate ideas. Also review the section “Choosing a Topic and Developing a Thesis in an Analytic Paper” (LC 137-139) and “Review: Writing an Analysis (LC 151) from chapter 6. Remember: this is a short paper, so narrow your topic appropriately!

Daily Update
Today we continued the "work of analysis" by looking at the cultural paradigm of LOVE (how fitting for Valentine's Day, yes?). After listening to a few love songs, we defined "ideal love" and then looked at two poems, discussing how each poem fit into the ideal we'd described. As a group, you did a great job looking at the poems and deciphering their meaning and significance.

The first poem was Shakespeare's Sonnet 116 (LC 724). The second poem you can read online. It's called "For You, Friend" by Ted Kooser, from the February 14th entry of The Writer's Almanac.

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