Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day one, take two

Daily Update
I'm glad that we were finally able to meet for our first day of the semester! After Monday's power outage and subsequent cancellation, I was feeling antsy to get started with the class. I enjoyed meeting all of you and look forward to getting to know you better during the semester as we read, write, and learn together.

Today, as you know, we went over the syllabus and discussed the expectations I have for you as students. If you have any questions about the syllabus or anything else about the course, please let me know.

Following the syllabus overview, we read Robert Frost's poem, "The Road Not Taken." You then wrote a short response that will help me to see where we are as a class in terms of reading, interpreting, and responding to literature. Again, this was just a diagnostic and won't receive a letter grade.

Homework Reminder
For Friday, you need to read pages 11-16 in our textbook, Literature for Composition: Essays, Stories, Poems, and Plays by Barnet, Cain, and Burto. Be sure to pick up your copy at the bookstore as soon as possible, as we will use it extensively in class. Do the reading and be prepared to discuss it on Friday. See you then!

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